When I first met my husband, I had just lost about 40 pounds due to a bad breakup and was looking pretty good. I had gone from a size 14 to almost a size 8. I felt good! Then I met my husband...and I started getting (dun dun dun) comfortable. Now you have to understand that my husband has a smaller stature. In fact, he's been working out to get bigger. So, he eats ALL THE TIME and he can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. I know, right? Well, long story short, I was no longer my almost size 8. I had managed to gain all my weight back and was looking at a size 14 pant once again.
So, I started working out...kinda. I would go really good for a couple weeks and then get lazy. I kept getting frustrated because I wasn't losing weight as fast as I wanted. You know, I workout a couple days and turn into a supermodel. Is that too much to ask? Well, apparently it is! Needless to say, we went back to the states for the holidays and I thought, what diet? Then on our trip back to Japan, we stopped in Thailand for a week.
For some reason I felt pretty good about myself and my body, but then I looked at the pictures. I hadn't lost any weight!?! That is when I had to be honest with myself and confront my laziness. I had become that "big girl" again.
I've still got about 20 more pounds to my final goal but at least I've already lost two pant sizes.
Way to go, Meg!! I've started running recently too. I keep waiting for the feeling that my chest is going to explode to subside, but so far, no dice. :)
Thanks! Right now I'm averaging a 3K every other day. Keeping going and eventually your chest will relax. I still have days where I think my body would rather die than run again. That is why "running is hard"! MIss you guys!