I have found that the hardest part of this whole thing is staying positive. I'll go several hours without seeing myself and feeling almost no pain, then I catch a glimpse of myself and the self-esteem spirals down. I still hope that it will eventually go away but when it lasts this long and seems to be getting worse, it's hard to think that things will go back to normal. The irrational thoughts can begin to consume me. All I can do is just go to bed every night and hope that tomorrow it will be different in a positive way.
Hi im sirlina,28. This post of yours from 8 years ago gives me hope. Im on my 4th or 5th day of battling mumps and i dont know whether to laugh or feel sad for myself everytime i look at the mirror. I looked like i gain a lot of pounds but the real thing is my losing weight because of soft diet.